Happy Valentine’s Day

Date: February 06, 2019
Categories: Uncategorized
Happy Valentines Day
Another Valentine’s Day approaches, and another pack of men scramble to find the perfect gift to show their Valentine just how special she is. It’s…

Another Valentine’s Day approaches, and another pack of men scramble to find the perfect gift to show their Valentine just how special she is. It’s gotta be shiny, check. It’s gotta be cool, double check. It’s gotta be original and useful, check and check!

Your chick the coolest chick, so show your Queen the love that she deserves this Valentine’s Day with a thoughtful, original, and useful gift. Brew House Chillers Queen’s Edition two-pack is exactly what your beer loving Valentine needs, even if they don’t know that they need it yet! This special edition comes laser etched with “Queen of the Castle” just to serve her with a little reminder of how great she is along with her ice cold beer.

Keep her beer cold and refreshing to the last drop and then do it again! Reuse our beer chillers over and over for the ultimate gift that keeps on giving.

Our beer chillers don’t mess with your beer, they perfect it. No one likes warm beer! Stainless steel engineering, liquid cooling technology, and a design that allows beer to flow easily. All of our chillers can be reused, and only take 45 minutes to freeze. Keep that Queen of the Castle’s beer flowing with our two-pack special here.

High-five, bud! You found the perfect gift and you didn’t even have to leave the house!

From us to you, happy Valentine’s Day! Please party responsibly and always have a designated driver.

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