Football and Floats

Date: January 30, 2019
Categories: Uncategorized
NFL Playoffs are upon us, and that means football parties! At Brew House Chillers, we love football parties. What’s not to like? Football, friends, food,…

NFL Playoffs are upon us, and that means football parties! At Brew House Chillers, we love football parties. What’s not to like? Football, friends, food, and our favorite, ice cold beer! It’s time for all of you hosts and hostesses to get those parties planned, and as always, Brew House Chillers is here to help.

We can picture the scene, your best friends gathered around the big game, the table and the plates are overflowing with classic football snacks, the chilled beer is flowing, the laughter is rolling, and no one is awkwardly trying to juggle their plate, drink, and cutlery because you planned ahead and ordered a Party Pal tray for everyone! Before you know it you’re answering questions about where and how you came across these miracle Party Pal trays. Your work is done, so kick back, relax and know that the Brew House Chillers and PartyPal have you covered.

Oh, and here’s a cocktail recipe for your brother in law, in case he’s a bit of a Nancy.

The Brew House Stiffened Rootbeer Float

12 oz of root beer
2 oz spiced rum
Whipped cream
Ice cubes
Frosted mug

Fill ⅓ of your frosted mug with ice cubes, add 2 ounces of spiced rum, top it off with root beer, stir, and add a dollop of that creamy, sweet whipped cream. Serve immediately with a straw. Enjoy!

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The Brew House Chillers Crew

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